Sunday, July 3, 2011

Things have changed so much..

Okay, so I actually totally forgot I have this blogger account, and so I visited it for the first time in months today, and boy was I unhappy with it.. I realize the last few posts before this one weren't so good, I was going through a lot at that time and honestly, I wasn't thinking clearly. So, I deleted those posts.. They aren't important, and times have changed, my entire life has changed since then.. My life has changed for the better in so many ways... 

First of all, I have moved back home! I am living in Dallas, TX. It feels amazing to be home! I haven't been "home" in so long I almost forgot what home felt like.

In just three short months, Matt and I will celebrate our 2nd year anniversary, these two years have flown by so quickly, and we've been through so much. - But everyday my love for him grows stronger, he becomes my best-friend more and more each day :)

But most importantly, I am the most excited mommy-to-be in the entire world! I am 25 weeks pregnant today, and I can't wait to meet my little bundle of joy! Every time I feel my baby move around in my tummy, my heart melts.. I have never felt this happy before.. Everyday I think about what life is going to be like when my baby in finally here, I am going to spend the rest of my life being the best mommy I can be :)